Monday, February 21, 2005

Online database, part 2

misterjoel's post of corrections has reminded me that I haven't done much yet on my previously-proposed online database. I have a bunch of ideas for this, but it occurs to me that there are several ways to design this, and that the members of this forum will undoubtedly be able to help me decide which is the best way to proceed, by giving me conflicting and contradictory input :-)

So with that in mind, here are a few of my ideas for the underlying content of the database. Please feel free to comment if you think any of these are good or bad ideas.
  1. The database will be able to contain multiple entries for a comic, if it has been scanned more than once. This will allow for situations such as a cover-to-cover scan that is lower resolution, versus a more detailed scan that doesn't have ads, or is missing pages.
  2. Each comic entry will be able to be flagged for the following conditions: Missing pages, Missing cover, Scanned complete (a.k.a. cover to cover, with ads), Reprint, Remix (reconstruction), etc. I am also considering some sort of "resolution" flag, to indicate the approximate scan resolution of the comic; maybe something like "Under 800, 800-1200, 1200-1600, Over 1600".
  3. I've thought it would be nice to include who scanned a particular issue. BD's database does have some information pertaining to this, and I'm sure others are keeping track of this as well. Do you think this would be useful or desirable?
  4. To try to eliminate the frequent problem of mis-sorting due to variations in spelling of the book title, the database will have a separate table with the standard names of each book. This table will include the "canonical" title for each book series, along with name changes that the book went through. The exact naming conventions to be used are open for discussion.
  5. Each canonical title above will have one or more "genre" flags associated with it. I say "one or more" because some books fall into more than one genre (i.e. war romance, funny animal superhero, etc.) A question would be, are there any books that fall into more than two genres?

Please note that the above ideas all have to do with the data contained in the database, and not how it will be viewed or queried. Also, it will be possible to view lists of books without having to see all of the above information, but it will also be possible to filter the information according to a user's preferences (i.e. only show me DC superhero, mystery and sci-fi books).

Comments, please?

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Here's a Cool New Meme

The 100 Things I Like Best About Comics. Michele Catalano's effort is here. Johnny Bacardi kicked it off here.

Update: Johnny Bacardi graciously acknowledges his getting the idea from here, who got it from here.

Friday, February 04, 2005

All I Want for My Birthday

Classic ebay auction.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

IRC Server Problems?

A lot of us have had trouble getting into the chatroom the last couple days; looks like UnitedUsers is down. Try this one: